A native treefrog taking advantage of the insect-attracting pitcher plants in my greenhouse.
First record from here. Hundreds of Xenopus tadpoles present, probably both X.laevis and X.gilli. Adult X.laevis observed in the vicinity. Blackwater Vlei, temporary.
Rupicolous behavior. A single adult found wedged between a layer of moss and the overhanging rock layer. Many juveniles found in shallow cracks on the periphery of the rock pools. Adults have presumably retreated to deeper cracks in preparation for the summer.
11 Individuals found in total, of which 4 were juveniles. Found under flat rocks resting on a moist substrate. Another population found 3km SE. Many tadpoles of similar sizes found in three of the deepest pools.
20km NE range extension. Males calling from clumps of sedges, palmiet and waterblommetjies. Network of vleis on the floodplain of the Nuwejaars river. Individuals calling from areas of quickly moving water as well. Acidic soils, with a sandy and peaty component. Around 10-15 males heard in the vicinity.
New locality. Two breeding pools found with recently deposited eggs. 8 males found in total. Seepage over an exposed rock layer. With @kurtvanwyk & @tyroneping .
20+ males calling. Multiple amplectant pairs. Plenty of eggs. Another population heard to the North West.
Individuals of all life stages found, including eggs. Present in natural vegetation as well as degraded areas in the seepage. Many calls heard, some about 10m from the sea.