Slightly sweet smell. Young frbs with guttation.
location is a little off - to study or see in person ask nick
found near manzanita
Pale, applanate cap,
Creamy gills,
Slender stipe with white fuzz at base,
Indistinct taste,
Cardboard odor,
Growing next to parking lot,
Near redwood
Darkened, umbonate cap,
Brown stipe with white band at apex,
White gills
Very viscid,
No odor,
White UV on gills,
Growing in mossy soil trailside,
Near red alder/doug fir/sitka spruce
Diminutive, light brown mushrooms growing from mossy soil in Pseudotsuga menziesii and Notholithocarpus densiflorus forest. Pileus light brown, striate. Lamellae widely attached. Stipe long and thin, both stipe and cap ornamented with fine granules.
Very slimy/sticky cap. Very delicate, stipes start to buckle under the weight of the cap with the slightest disturbance. A few were yellow but most were whitish beige, color seems not necessarily correlated to maturity.
Growing in ultramafic fen creek with Erythranthe linearifolia, Darlingtonia californica, Cirsium douglasii, etc. Pileus conical, red-orange, staining black, dry. Lamellae free, yellow and black. Stipe fibrous, light colored, blackening
Stipe texture and pileus shape of younger ones made me think Mycena but probably not. Xeromphalina? Fruiting from soil in streambank with Abies magnifica and Pinus jeffreyi nearby. KOH brown. Odorless. Chrysomphalina aurantiaca and Galerina sp. in close proximity. KOH brown. Odorless.
Rounded, pointy yellow top,
Parasitizing a reddish brown worm,
Found in deadwood trailside,
White purplish UV on top,
Near alder/redwood
Shrubland/mixed hardwood conifer forest, Convict lake, 7,850 ft. Inyo National Forest
Growing from moss in a seepage on side of Convict Lake Trail
Small, rather nondescript sporocarps. Pileus umbonate, brown to grayish. Lamellae subdistant, free to narrowly attached, brownish to orange. Stipe white, finely flocculate, fragile
Smell indistinct
Growing in pine forest along a small stream. Pileus orange, wavy at margins, minutely scurfy. Lamellae pink, very slightly decurrent. Stipe silky-shiny, concolorous with the pileus
Small,brown Scaly cap with white ragged margin,
Tall, slender tan stipe,
Yellow UV on gills,
Indistinct odor,
No taste/KOH,
Growing off trail in mossy sand,
Near willow/shore pine
Mixed hardwood/conifer forest on edge of Alpine lake, Cataract Trailhead, MMWD
White fuzz growing prolifically on Armillaria sinapina, restricted to lamellae
White, cluster finger like fungi,
Growing next to road,
White UV,
Cleaner odor,
Near redwood
On old Porodaedalea pini fruits on Pseudotsuga menziesii snag
Growing from grassy wet meadow. Pileus tacky, golden-brown, striate, secotioid with a small amount of velar tissue attaching it to stipe. Stipe yellow, slightly scurfy. This doesn't seem to have the character of a Psilocybe, I feel like it has Bolbitius energy @warren_cardimona
Hidden in rotting Madrone log
Fuzzy white ascos growing on evergreen Huckleberry leaves trailside
Maybe E. coelestinum or close? Leptonia. In dense litter of Adenostoma sparsifolium. Ceanothus present nearby also but wasn't noticed in duff composition.
Yellow with a green tinge, found among redwoods and by a creek
Mill creek trail, under redwoods, quickly bruised bright blue then green. Working on a spore print. Does indeed have a very distinctive odor, could be described as “mouse-like”.
First two photos are at mature stage. The remaining photos go backwards to immature stages.
Brown immature plasmodium and forming fruiting bodies is unusual; usual this species is white or yellow when immature.
Thanks to @malacothrix for finding these.
Pigmented smooth ellipsoid spores. No germ pore.
Found growing terrestrially?(possibly from buried dead Aspen) next to the Truckee River near the West shore of Lake Tahoe in Tahoe City, CA. Appear to be Cerioporus squamosus or similar which are not supposed to occur this far west. They do not appear to be one of the Polyporus species which do occur here.
Growing under Pinus ponderosa, Pseudotsuga menziesii and Pinus lambertiana. Head rich red-brown, wrinkled, folded and infurled. Stipe pinkish tan, slightly wrinkled.
Brown, brain shaped top,
Light brown stipe,
White UV on stipe,
Cleaner odor,
No taste,
Growing in soil on end of upturned redwood trailside
Dark brown mushrooms growing in sand near trail where it's flooded from recent rains,
No odor/UV,
Near dune grass
Honey, brown convex to waxy, striate cap,
White stipe,
Cortina present,
No odor,
Cleaner taste,
Indistinct KOH,
Growing in deadwood and in grass next to trail,
Mild white UV on gill margin,
Blue staining,
Dark spored,
Near alder
Under Pinus monophylla.
Caps 2 cm broad, tan/cream color, gills similar color, short, medium spacing. With persistent white cortina. Stipe white, base tapering.
Found by Phil Dekat,
Purple fruitbodies growing by alder,
Black KOH
Indistinct odor,
Mild UV on gills,
Lovely lavender gills,
Indistinct taste
Small hypogeous gasteroid basidiomata, exterior light peach color, interior light yellow, composed of convoluted hymenium. Spores ellipsoid, rugulose, with small hilar appendage, 14–16 x 10.4–11 μm; walls 1.5–2 μm thick; starting light yellow, becoming brown. Basidia 34 x 9.4 μm; mostly 2-spored.
Partially buried in soil, on shaded slope dominated by manzanita, also with Eriodictyon, Prunus, and Ribes, with Quercus cornelius-mulleri about 20 ft away.
With Arctostaphylos.
Anza Borrego
Orange fungi,
Depressed cap center,
Scaly stipe,
No taste/odor,
White UV on gills,
Growing next to trail,
Near OG redwood/tan oak/doug fir
Rabbit dung. @werdnus have you ever seen something like this? F000208
Light peach cap with white stipe,
White UV all over,
No odor/taste,
Growing next to trail,
Near OG redwood/tan oak/doug fir
Light brown umbonate fungi,
Lighter cap margin with darkened center,
Lighter stipe with pruinose apex,
Yellowish gills,
White basal tomentum,
Partial veil on young specimens,
Older specimen cap are hygrophanous,
Growing trailside next to blackberry in sandy soil,
Near sitka spruce/Doug fir/coast redwood/alder,
Bright yellow UV on gills/cap margin/stipe,
No odor,
Red KOH on stipe; more orangey yellow on cap/gills,
Mild bitter taste
Brown, umbonate cap with flattened fibrils,
Lighter in center darkens outwards,White tomentum at base,
Growing next to trail,
Near alder,
Indistinct odor,
No UV/taste,
Growing on very wet, decayed wood (tanoak I think) along Zayante Creek
finally found some, was raining super hard and my pictures aren't very good. If I had recognized how small they were I wouldn't have misidentified so many other species
Growing from mixed leaf litter and woody debris under Alnus rhombifolia, Quercus kelloggii, and Calocedrus decurrens.
Odor egg-like
UV+ blue
Growing on bark of large piece of rotting wood on the ground in a shady forest near a creek, about 1 ft from observation 199986381.
On Alnus, sweet anise smell, UV light blue on gills
Coprinellus 'PNW 04' growing completely submerged in flowing water on various small pieces of wood. I have no reason to think the water level here has recently risen, in a spring and summer long stream of snowmelt directly below a culvert in a considerable current, we haven't had any significant hot streak that would have raised the flow.
Overmature and mature clusters collected. Bases of the stipe seemed to have a "holdfast" adaptation at the base similar Vibrissea, see pictures. (I know they are in a different order, more of a visual metaphor)
Burned Quercus/Pinus dominant woodland (now shrubland post-burn), just west of Knoxville road near Lake Berryessa
Growing in soil and directly off fine roots in a hole leftover from a burned out root system
Brown pileus with a wavy margin. Lamellae white to cream colored, anastomosing, subdistant to distant, broadly attached to subdecurrent. Stipe short, fibrous, off-center
Smell indistinct
pointy, rooting stipe; growing with Quercus agrifolia
Growing from mosses on rocks in live oak and Umbellularia forest in hillside ravine. Pileus dark blue with nearly black scurfy scales. Lamellae light bluish white, sometimes forking, narrowly attached, darkening and becoming covered in pink spores in age, UV+ bright bluish white. Stipe smoothly fibrillose, lacking cottony white base.