Some cat is killing birds and leaving them under a tree at my garden. I suspect this is one of my neighbour's many unattended cats that roam free. Several sparrows, redstarts and robins appear there all year round :(
Taylor caught him one and then we released it back in the lake.
This entry for the bird that is not a bee-eater. A separate entry for the bee-eater is at
Vinous-throated Parrotbill. Photographed at Dongzhai Forest Reserve, Henan Province, China on 19 January 2019. Probably subspecies fulvicauda.
Zoom in to see the geese.
Zoom in to see the geese.
Was invited by ghana to train with their wildlife staff. Was also taken into the bush during the rainy season to see their locals elephant. As the Savanah was lush and green before the dry season when it changes. Based on their head park biologist, forestry officials and several scientific journals these are Loxodonta africana as sene here