Archivos de diario de septiembre 2020

07 de septiembre de 2020

CZU Fire

I visited Wunderlich today, and while it was unaffected by the CZU Complex fire, the Cal Fire Station near 84 and 35, and the Kings Mountain Station further along SR35, were both active in fighting that blaze. Alice's Restaurant and Skywood Market provided food and supplies to first responders during the crisis. Remember to thank them when you are in the neighborhood.

Publicado el septiembre 7, 2020 03:52 MAÑANA por gyrrlfalcon gyrrlfalcon | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

30 de septiembre de 2020

iNaturalist Personal Statistics

During these COVIDian times, lots of imagined projects are being completed. One I had imagined, largely to clean up old entries from my first few years on iNaturalist, was to go through my entire history on iNat in chronological order. I have now completed this project. A few observations before the hard core statistics.

First, other people have been busy during COVID-time too! The degree to which my 'easier' observations (birds, mammals with photos, common odes, lizards, etc.) have been taken to Research Grade is positively fantastic - well above 95%.

Second, I can really tell those moments when I developed interests in particular taxanomic groups. It was like seeing a new color added to stitch work.

OK, so here are the statistics that I tracked:

"Categorical Big Days" (at least 60% of the Thirteen Categories)

Days with Eight Categories - 67
Days with Nine Categories - 49 (116 cumulative)
Days with Ten Categories - 15 (131 cumulative)
Days with Eleven Categories - 9 (140 cumulative)
Days with Twelve Categories - 3 (143 cumulative)
Days with Thirteen Categories - The Holy Grail still shines - ZERO!

Days with over 100 observations
100-109 - 25 Total 25 Cumulative
110-119 - 23 Total 48 Cumulative
120-129 - 13 Total 61 Cumulative
130-139 - 11 Total 72 Cumulative
140-149 - 9 Total 81 Cumulative
150-159 - 4 Total 85 Cumulative
160-169 - 5 Total 90 Cumulative
170-179 - 1 Total 91 Cumulative
180-189 - 1 Total 92 Cumulative
190-199 - 1 Total 93 Cumulative
200-209 - 0 Total 93 Cumulative
210-219 - 2 Total 95 Cumulative

Publicado el septiembre 30, 2020 02:22 TARDE por gyrrlfalcon gyrrlfalcon | 8 comentarios | Deja un comentario