Ventured across Southern Vermont, hitting Windham, Rutland and Addison counties. We must have seen 12 rough legged hawks. They are beautiful birds. Some in flight. Driving navigating birding and photography takes more brain cells than I often have. So photos had to take second place. We were so pleased to get our target birds Lapland Longspur. Beautiful. Great for scope views as they gritted along th3 road with larks and snow buntings. Tough as photographic subjects. The whole mass of birds made such tinkling sounds. The weather was in the low 30 s and comfortable with strong sun. Much more snow in the mountains than either the CT river valley or the Hudson valley. Limited melting although moving water was all at least partially open. We regretfully turned back towards Keene where we are staying due to COVID regs. Thinking we had passed up the canvasback there when we saw another reported in Bellows Falls. Had enough energy to get it along with hear the scold of the winter wren and a red bellied woodpecker. 3 Vermont birds for me, longspur, snow bunting and canvasback as well as multiple county birds in Rutland. Arrived I; Keene wi5h plans to do it again tomorrow. Plant of 5he day was teasel.
With horned larks
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