An organism that has blackheads and white heads

I see this organism daily because I take the bus. This organism is right next to the bus stop on Newton Campus. From my point of view, nothing changes, or at least nothing seems to change from my naked eyes. I don't think Boston College implanted this organism on campus for decoration because it seems to be only found in this particular area on Newton Campus and on the Main campus which leads me to assume that this organism is from the wild. I find this organism interesting because of its pore. The pores on this organism look just like the blackhead and whitehead that exist on my noise. I am assuming that it has existed there for a long time because of its size. This could also mean that it has survived the unpredictable weather in Boston. On the other hand, my body becomes sensitive to the changing weather. I am used to a stable climate since I am from Georgia. I am predicting that this organism has the all allies that are suitable for the environment. It will likely still be there in the next 4 years.

taxonomic level:
Kingdom : Fungi

Publicado el septiembre 24, 2021 02:58 TARDE por mehme mehme


Fotos / Sonidos


Hongos de Repisa (Familia Polyporaceae)




Septiembre 24, 2021 a las 08:37 MAÑANA EDT


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