06 de junio de 2021

Mini Eco System

Found a little ecosystem of insects on a large Burdock plant. It consisted mostly of an abundance of aphids. On closer look there was also a few larva of some sort present (possibly aphideaters), an aphid wasp, mummy aphids, and sidewalk mites. There was a noticeable lack of lady beetles/lady beetle nymphs in this location considering I saw them out today (and over the past week) in good numbers.
Interesting things noticed; three sidewalk mites gathering around an aphid and seeming to fight over it.
One or two lone mites located (seemingly dead) amongst the masses of aphids.

Publicado el junio 6, 2021 02:20 MAÑANA por naturequ33r naturequ33r | 7 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
