Archivos de diario de octubre 2019

01 de octubre de 2019

October 1st, 2019

Very windy, try and sunny - around +20°C. Unfortunately too windy for sharp and usefull fotos.
A lot of Phasiinae still around (expecially Phasia obesa and Ectophasia sp.), a lot of "green" flies (Lucillia sp, Neomyia sp, Pyrellia sp., ...), many Bellardia sp. and a few hoverflies - Eristalis tenax, Eristalix arbustorum, Sphaerophoria sp, Episyrphus balteatus and the ubiquitous Syritta pipiens (no photo, as they hover around all the time) - most on Erigeron sp. and Achillea sp.

Publicado el octubre 1, 2019 10:07 TARDE por waldgeist waldgeist | 22 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Rare Phasiinae of September 2019

Erigeron sp. seems to attract a lot Phasiinae, even some quite rare species.

Publicado el octubre 1, 2019 10:39 TARDE por waldgeist waldgeist | 3 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

05 de octubre de 2019

Another two observation days

Work from home is quite fine - one can go outside at noon, when insect activity, expecially flies, reaches its peak. Even on relatively cold, windy and cloudy days like Friday (4th) and Saturday (5th October). If temperature is something around +16, 17°C flies like to busk in the (invisible) sun on large leaves - in my case the leaves of the - now in the fall slowly decaying - pumpkin plants of my landlord. The growing mold on the leaves seems to attract quit a lot of flies. Erigeron and Achillea are still blossoming.

Publicado el octubre 5, 2019 06:21 TARDE por waldgeist waldgeist | 120 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

23 de octubre de 2019

Literature collection (on insects in Austria)

The tachinid collection Friedrich A. Wachtl (Diptera: Tachinidae)

Revision der Gattung Onesia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830

Rote Liste der gefährdeten Tachiniden Steiermarks (Diptera, Tachinidae)

Tachinidae key

Observations on the distinctions between Polietes lardarius (Fabricius) and Polietes meridionalis Peris & Llorente (Diptera: Muscidae)

Calliphoridae key (UK)

Publicado el octubre 23, 2019 09:12 MAÑANA por waldgeist waldgeist | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
