Great Southern Bioblitz Q & A on iNaturalist by Thomas Mesaglio - 19 October 2021 8:30 PM

The purpose of Great Southern Bioblitz (22-25Oct) is to highlight the immense biodiversity spread across the Southern Hemisphere in the springtime, as well as to engage the public in science and nature learning.
This workshop answers your questions on iNaturalist, the platform to be used during the ‘Great Southern BioBlitz’ (GSB) - an international period of intense biological surveying in an attempt to record all the living species within several designated areas across the Southern Hemisphere in Spring. In October, the Southern Hemisphere’s natural world is on full throttle so it makes sense for the Southern Hemisphere to document life at this time of year!
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Publicado el octubre 6, 2021 10:53 MAÑANA por barv barv


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