Observe and record edible mycorrhizal fungi! This project is one component of a community science effort to document the distribution and population structure of various choice edible mycorrhizal fungal species. This iNat group provides the infrastructure for documenting observations of the species of interest. This data will be used in conjunction with a sequencing effort to understand population structure and evolutionary history. At present, this project is only for the continental United States. As it evolves, it may be broadened as sample-processing resources allow.
How to use iNat Project:
The iNat component will be used to collect the location of observations. iNat allows the researchers to use precise locations, while allowing the community members (you) to decide whether you want to share those precise locations with the broader community or not. If you are also planning to contribute spore prints to the #MyMycorrhizaeProject, then make sure that you include your participant ID and sample number that corresponds to the observation in the notes for the observation. Create a separate observation and sample number for each unique sample you take.
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