September 10 Update

Nearly a third of the way through September. We have logged over 1000 research grade observations on the month, over 60 species, from over 100 contributors. These numbers put us on track for our best September. Pleasant weather helps get the humans out, maybe it will hold.

Several people have commented that numbers seem down. My take is it is quite variable by site, perhaps related to the summer flooding.

We are now at 139 species for the year, equaling the total for 2019 and 2020. Recent observations of Green-striped Darner, Red Saddlebags, and Saffron-winged Meadowhawk got us to 139. Based on historical data, the likely species to get us over 139 would be Striped Saddlebags. Going further back in time, maybe Mottled Darner, Canada Darner, or Cherry-faced Meadowhawk.

Still looking for some observations to get select species to 88 counties for 2021:
For Eastern Pondhawk - Columbiana
For Widow Skimmer - Lawrence, Seneca
For Blue Dasher - Lawrence, Tuscarawas
For Common Whitetail - Lawrence, Marion, Monroe, Vinton

Counties on the low end for the year:

Co Obs Sp #People
Jefferson 26 14 4
Gallia 25 17 4
Meigs 23 12 3
Carroll 22 14 3
Columbiana 21 11 8
Monroe 15 10 3
Lawrence 11 8 4
Publicado el septiembre 10, 2021 03:24 TARDE por jimlem jimlem


Thanks for the update!

Publicado por nnavarre hace alrededor de 3 años

I will head to columbiana for that EPH this mon or tues, weather permitting. I would do the rounds in the SE again but I'm currently babysitting a cat and overnights just aren't a good thing right now. It's been a week or so since I've seen any white tails...but I may look again in the midwest region, work and weather permitting. Happy trails!

Publicado por mmp133 hace alrededor de 3 años

Just back from Guilford Lake in Columbiana County. A few Blue Dashers but no Pondhawks.

Publicado por raynaturalist hace alrededor de 3 años

EPH Columbiana found at Beaver Creek State Park.

Publicado por mmp133 hace alrededor de 3 años

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