
Animalia Chordata Vertebrata Amphibia Caudata Plethodontidae Bolitoglossa Bolitoglossa copia

Taxonomic notes: Section empty


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Geographic Range

This species is known from a single specimen collected near the summit of Cerro Peña Blanca, in the Cordillera Central of central Panama, at an altitude of approximately 1,315m asl. It might occur more widely (since forested habitat has virtually not been sampled between the Fortuna dam region of western Panama and the type locality of this species), but since this is the highest mountain in the region, and given that many neotropical salamander species are known to have very narrow altitudinal ranges, it is possible that this species has a very restricted extent of occurrence.


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The sole known specimen was found inside an earthen mound in forest. This species is considered unlikely to be tolerant of much habitat degradation, and is presumed to breed by direct development.


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It appears to be very rare.


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Use Trade

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Chytridiomycosis is a threat to this species, and has been associated with declines of other species to the north and west of its range. Logging is presumably also a threat to any populations occurring in unprotected areas.


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Specific Threats

  • 8.1.1 Unspecified species
  • 5.3.5 Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded


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Conservation Actions

The type locality of this species is within Parque Nacional General de División Omar Torrijos Herrera.


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Specific Actions


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    Red List Rationale

    Listed as Data Deficient since it has only recently been described from one specimen, and there is virtually no information on its extent of occurrence, status and ecological requirements.


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    • Wake, D.B., Hanken, J. and Ibáñez, R. 2005. A new species of big black Bolitoglossa (Amphibia: Caudata) from central Panamá. Copeia: 223–226.


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