Wild Rose Comparison Charts

Note: this is a work in progress...

Also see the following comparison charts by Barbara Ertter:






Stems and Prickles




Publicado el octubre 2, 2024 12:33 MAÑANA por truthseqr truthseqr


Excellent tool for the field; thank you

Publicado por scsurflady hace 3 días

Would you please add the Pine rose?

Publicado por scsurflady hace 1 día

@scsurflady, sure - I'm working on it and I'll let you know when it's done.

Publicado por truthseqr hace 1 día

Thanks, I will be using your chart in the field. So much to learn.

Publicado por scsurflady hace 1 día

What a terrific new tool you've given us to better I.D. all the different Rosas. Thank you! I wasn't aware of R. rubignosa as an important option to consider. I bet there are quite a few-identifications out there.

I'll be adding your 2 references to all my current and future Rosa observations in observation Notes:
"Comparison Charts of Wild Roses by INat truthseqr (includes flowers, fruits, stems and prickles, and leaves: https://www.inaturalist.org/posts/99682-wild-rose-comparison-charts
Photographing Wild Roses for Species Identification by INat truthseqr: https://www.inaturalist.org/posts/98638-photographing-roses-for-species-identification"
PS: I also appreciate your links to many online references and projects, listed on your INat Profile page, to help identify a large variety of species.

Thanks again!

Publicado por aparrot1 hace alrededor de 13 horas

Thanks, Irene (@aparrot1), for the feedback. I appreciate it.

Publicado por truthseqr hace alrededor de 7 horas

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