Atención: Algunas o todas las identificaciones afectadas por esta división puede haber sido reemplazada por identificaciones de Nesotriccus. Esto ocurre cuando no podemos asignar automáticamente una identificación a uno de los taxa de salida. Revisar identificaciones de Phaeomyias murina 17186

Taxonomic Split 120801 (Guardado el 24/01/2023)

Cocos Tyrannulet Nesotriccus ridgwayi is embedded within the genus Phaeomyias (Zucker et al. 2016, Harvey et al. 2020); as Nesotriccus Townsend 1895 has priority over Phaeomyias Berlepsch 1902, Phaemomyias is considered to be a junior synonym of Nesotriccus. The presence of Cocos Tyrannulet within Mouse-colored Tyrannulet thus makes the latter to be paraphyletic; furthermore, the vocalizations of several taxa previously considered to be subspecies of Mouse-colored Tyrannulet are rather different (Ridgely and Greenfield 2001, Schulenberg et al. 2007, Boesman 2016j). Therefore Mouse-colored Tyrannulet is split into four species: the polytypic group Mouse-colored Tyrannulet (Tumbes) Phaeomyias murina tumbezana/inflava becomes Tumbes Tyrannulet Nesotriccus tumbezana, with subspecies tumbezana and inflava (Because the name Nesotriccus is masculine, while Phaeomyias is feminine, the correct formulations are Nesotriccus tumbezanus, with subspecies inflavus; we became aware of this mistake too late to correct in the eBird/Clements spreadsheet, but we will revise the name accordingly in our 2023 release; the monotypic group Mouse-colored Tyrannulet (Marañon) Phaeomyias murina maranonica becomes Marañon Tyrannulet Nesotriccus maranonica (for which the correct formulation is Nesotriccus maranonicus); the polytypic group Mouse-colored Tyrannulet (Northern) Phaeomyias murina incomta/eremonoma becomes Northern Mouse-colored Tyrannulet Nesotriccus incomta, with subspecies eremonoma and incomta (for which the correct formulations are Nesotriccus incomtus, with subspecies eremonomus); and the polytypic group Mouse-colored Tyrannulet (Amazonian) Phaeomyias murina murina/wagae becomes Southern Mouse-colored Tyrannulet Nesotriccus murina, with subspecies wagae and murina (for which the correct formulation is Nesotriccus murinus; but the name wagae is invariant).

Añadido por birdwhisperer el enero 24, 2023 06:21 TARDE | Comprometido por birdwhisperer el 24 de enero de 2023
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Awesome. Glad to see this one going through. Just a quick note, though, that the common names still need to be added

Publicado por henicorhina hace alrededor de 1 año

@henicorhina I'm working on it right now. I committed the split and was in the process of adding names when I looked at the clock and noticed I was late for work!

Publicado por birdwhisperer hace alrededor de 1 año

All good. Thanks for working on this

Publicado por henicorhina hace alrededor de 1 año

(Note that, like Ketupa, Clements erred in not changing the endings of the specific [and subspecific] epithets when they moved these to a different-gender genus in this year's update. Since in both cases Clements noted the error and that they'll fix it in the next update, given that the Ketupa names were corrected in iNat, for consistency's sake these probably should be corrected too [with all -a endings of species and subspecies—i.e., every species/subspecies besides wagae—changed to -us].)
(Thanks so much!)

Publicado por maxkirsch hace alrededor de 1 año

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