Campylocentrum tyrridion

Location 2

Range Countries:
Belize (Mesoamerica)
Costa Rica (Mesoamerica)
Guatemala (Mesoamerica)
Panama (Mesoamerica)
Peru (South America)
Venezuela (South America)
Mexico (Mesoamerica)

Description 2

Epiphytic. Leafless.
Inflorescence: Erect spikes arisingfrom the centre of a cluster of smooth white or light brown roots. To 3 cm high, including terminal multiflowered raceme which occupies about three quarters of total length of inflorescence. Stem and rachis pale green, well covered with minute but fairly prominent white glandular hairs. Flowers open from base of stem upwards, and have lip uppermost. Pedicel short, pale green, covered with white hairs. Floral bract browny green, extremely small.

Flowers: Sepals and Petals: Smooth, semi-translucent white: somewhat fleshy with structure. Dorsal sepal 1.3 x 0.85 mm. Lateral sepals 1.6 x 0.6 mm. Petals 1.1 x 0.5 mm. Lip: lamina white, 1mm long x 1.25 mm across lightly-developed lateral lobes when spread. Centre of lamina covered with rather tangles mass of relatively long fine white glandular hairs. Spur pale green, swollen just below junction with column: balance of spur filled with liquid. Length of lip including spur, 3.5 mm.

Column: a short, rather shapeless pale green stump. Anther: creamy yellow, plate-like except for dished centre, fairly strongly attached to column by a short green claw. Pollinia: two, yellow, hard, on water-white stipe.

References 2 Missouri Botanical Garden.

Fuentes y Créditos

  1. (c) consci2014, todos los derechos reservados
  2. (c) consci2014, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-SA)

Más información

Range Map

iNaturalistPa Mapa

Color white
Family Orchidaceae