Vriesea sagasteguii

Location 2

Santa Cruz, Rio Huamcamba and the Olmos Valley, Cajamarca, Peru.

Description 2

Medium-sized, lithophytic and epiphytic bromeliad. Leaves narrowly triangular, 40-50cm long, has cinereous scales, brownish towards the centre, has a general silvery-greenish appearance with five longitudinal whitish stripes along the blades. Inflorescence is cylindrical with 10-14 overlapping soft pink bracts, green sepals and red-purple petals. Stamens are exserted.

Habitat Type 2

Found between 1,500m – 2000m. Grows on rocks, rock crevasses, barren land and shrubby alpine grassland (Paramo).

References 2

Luther, H.E. 1995. Some bromeliads flowering at the Mary Selby Botanical Garden. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 45(5): 210-212.

Oliva-Esteva, F. 2000. Bromeliads. Armitano, Caracas.

Fuentes y Créditos

  1. (c) consci2014, todos los derechos reservados
  2. (c) consci2014, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-SA)

Más información

iNaturalistPa Mapa

Family Bromeliacea
Color pink, purple