Annual meadow grass

Poa annua

Summary 3

Poa annua, or annual meadow grass (known in America more commonly as annual bluegrass or simply poa), is a widespread low-growing turfgrass in temperate climates. Though P. annua is commonly considered a solely annual plant due to its name, perennial bio-types do exist. 'Poa' is Greek for fodder. It is one of the sweetest grasses for green fodder, but less useful than hay. This grass may have originated as a hybrid between Poa supina and Poa...

Location 4

Afghanistan; Åland Islands; Albania; Algeria; Armenia (Armenia); Austria; Belarus; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Burundi; Cameroon; China; Croatia; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Denmark; Egypt; Equatorial Guinea (Bioko); Eritrea; Estonia; Ethiopia; Faroe Islands; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Hong Kong; Hungary; India; Iran, Islamic Republic of; Iraq; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Japan; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Kenya; Korea, Democratic People's Republic of; Korea, Republic of; Kuwait; Kyrgyzstan; Lebanon; Libya; Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of; Madagascar; Mauritius (Rodrigues); Mexico; Moldova; Monaco; Mongolia; Montenegro; Morocco; Myanmar; Nepal; Netherlands; Norway; Pakistan; Palestinian Territory, Occupied; Poland; Portugal (Azores, Madeira, Portugal (mainland)); Qatar; Réunion; Romania; Russian Federation; Rwanda; San Marino; Saudi Arabia; Serbia (Serbia); Slovenia; Spain (Baleares, Canary Is., Spain (mainland)); Sri Lanka; Sweden; Switzerland; Taiwan, Province of China; Tajikistan; Tanzania, United Republic of; Tunisia; Turkey; Turkmenistan; Uganda; Ukraine; United Kingdom; Uzbekistan; Viet Nam; Yemen

Description 4

Annual bluegrass is a tufted grass that grows in dense clumps and has a low, spreading growth form. Erect or bending stems grow up to 30cm in length. Leaves are light green to yellowish green in colour, and are paler and softer than most grass species. Leaf blades are flat and hairless, measuring 1-14cm by 1-5mm and have characteristic canoe-shaped tips. Flowerheads are triangular and whitish green in colour. Spikelets are solitary, oblong, flat, 3-10mm long, with 2-10 florets and unequal glumes. Lemmas are rounded to pointed, 2.5-4mm long, smooth, keeled and hairy at base. Margins of glumes and lemmas are purplish on some plants. Ligules are prominent, rounded and membranous, 0.5-5mm long. Root system is shallow, horizontal and penetrates two to three centimetres below the ground

Habitat Type 4


Fuentes y Créditos

  1. (c) AnneTanne, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA),
  2. (c) consci2014, todos los derechos reservados
  3. Adaptado por consci2014 de un trabajo de (c) Wikipedia, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-SA),
  4. (c) consci2014, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-SA)

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