Normandy Park Cove (May 20)

Date and Time: May 20, 2:00pm
Location: Normandy Park, King County, WA
Weather: Mostly sunny about 62 degrees
Tide conditions: Relatively high
Soil Conditions: Relatively dry

Normandy Park is a small city in King County, Washington and borders the cities of Burien, WA and Des Moines, WA. With a population of about 6,335 people. The Normandy Park Cove is a fairly hidden area and you have to have beach rights to go to the cove.

Today, I decided to visit the cove, it was an overall wonderful day, the weather was just right however, as I was sitting on the drift logs, I had glanced over to my left and saw about three American Crows. They were eating food around the trash would not leave. The American Crow is very common in places around much of North America. The American Crow is a bird you can't miss, with its black body, beak, legs, and feet. Although, the American Crow is distinguishable by the color, two other birds look very similar, the Common Raven by the size and behavior and the Fish Crow by call of the American Crow. American Crows are smaller in size than the Common Raven and it has a more curved bill in comparison to the parallel bill of the raven, and its squared tail. American Crows are about 16 to 21 inches in length, the tail makes up about 40% of the length and weigh about 11.1 to 22 ounces. The male crows generally tend to be larger than females. One thing that can really distinguish an American Crow from other birds that look similar to it is a loud, short, and rapid call, sounding like 'caaw-caaw-caaw.' And when the Crow does this call, they usually move their heads up and down. American Crows are very intelligent birds as they can also produce a wide variety of sounds and are at times heard mimicking noises made by other animals, including other birds! The American Crow's diet varies from human scraps of food, eggs, and seeds to mice, frogs, and other small animals. In the winter and fall, Crow's diet mainly consists of acorns and nuts. The American Crow is special in that it is one of the very few species that had been observed using 'tools' to get food. Like the Western Gull, the Crows too, scavenge around waste landfill areas, scattering garbage around the site. I came across a very interesting fact that crows are considered nuisances as they favor food like corn and wheat (i.e. farmed crops) but, Crows are said to eat insects that are harmful pests to crops. It just amazes me how Crows a nearly everywhere.

Publicado el junio 5, 2012 05:39 MAÑANA por ballev ballev


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