Ants! Bees! Wasps! Oh, and Sawflies!

I’ve decided I want to be able to tell them apart from one another, at least some.
So this is what I’m doing with my free time- deep diving into some extremely useful links I found on the iNat forums.

Soon I may be able to tell the difference between an ant and a wasp- how exciting. :)

Publicado el agosto 25, 2022 02:57 MAÑANA por creepthecreek creepthecreek


How wonderful! If you don't mind sharing the links to the articles you have photographed, I'd love to read those too.

Publicado por artofexplora hace casi 2 años

@artofexplora sure thing! All 3 sections shown in the photo are printed from the same 600 page Hymenoptera guide-

Enjoy :)

Publicado por creepthecreek hace casi 2 años

@creepthecreek Thank you so much, this is great!

Publicado por artofexplora hace casi 2 años

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