Week Two Recap

Oliver and I arrived around 2 and started to jot down whatever we could make seem relevant into our field log, I don't know how he faired but I'm finding it hard to drum up anything worth writing down so my notes feel pretty sparse. Luckily I didn't have that problem for long as another massive flock of Geese cruised overhead, easily 100 strong. It seems Geese might be a recurring theme in our marsh trips. Our Willow tree actually has started sprouting flowers and releasing a little bit of pollen. No new leaves except the same group of like 4, though they are starting to turn reddish. Similar to our last trip we couldn't find any Avocets, though there were plenty of other birds all over the ponds. I imagine it has something to do with us only showing up at low tide but its the only time our schedules really allow so we'll just have to work with it. After snapping a few pictures and recording the last bit of data we started our hike back to campus.

Publicado el abril 27, 2019 01:04 MAÑANA por dcm13hsu dcm13hsu


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