Home BioBlitz and Naturalist's Potluck

On Sunday Dec 10th at 10am, naturalists are invited to a BioBlitz and potluck at my house (1450 Slater) in the JC neighborhood of Santa Rosa. It is 1/9th of an acre with a large Quercus lobata over the front, several smaller trees, and an old above-ground pool collecting rainwater. Digging, turning stuff over, etc are encouraged within reason. We have kids and an indoor cat, feel free to bring your own small mammals and your favorite naturalists. The goals are to socialize with other naturalists and document our urban wildlife.
Please let me know that you'll come!



Publicado el noviembre 15, 2023 05:09 TARDE por dlevitis dlevitis


that sounds fun! tentative yes from me, @caenvsci, and the bb

Publicado por ten_salamanders hace 8 meses

What a lovely idea! Tentative yes, will firm up after we hear from my husband’s surgeon (not a big thing, torn rotator cuff) as to the date of surgery. If I can attend, I’ll bring a chair and a dish for sure!

Publicado por catchang hace 8 meses

@catchang it would be lovely if you could come! I wish your husband an easy and successful surgery.

@ten_salamanders excellent!

Publicado por dlevitis hace 8 meses

Hi Dan, Thank you for the invite, sounds fun! Alas I'm out of town.
Cheers, Conci

Publicado por conci hace 8 meses

Thanks so much for the invite! I'm leading a BioBlitz that morning in San Jose, so I don't think I'll be able to join. I hope I can come to the next one!

Publicado por merav hace 8 meses

That sounds great! I can come (barring some unforeseen emergency). KM

Publicado por indignantchickadee hace 8 meses

Thanks for the lovely invitation. Sorry to have to miss the fun, citizen science and camaraderie.

Publicado por jzzipkin hace 8 meses

Oh, what an absolutely lovely idea. I'd love to join, but my family and I are already committed elsewhere that morning. I hope good fun is had by all...and high hopes for some cheery amphibian 'hellos.'

Publicado por christopherreiger hace 8 meses

I'm honored to be invited! I hope to come.

Publicado por caitlincornwall hace 8 meses

Hey Dan,

Turns out I'm not far from you. I'll try and swing by. Thanks for the invitation.

Publicado por nelruzam hace 8 meses

@nelruzam , @caitlincornwall and @indignantchickadee excellent!
@conci , @merav , @jzzipkin , and @christopherreiger I hope to do this again in the spring, and will hope you can come to that one.

Publicado por dlevitis hace 8 meses

Mary Ann and I will be there! Thanks for hosting. I think it would be fun to have name tags with our iNat user names and real names so we can connect people with user names we see all the time on our posts. I'm happy to supply the name tags and pens.

Publicado por lgerstein78 hace 8 meses

Thanks for the invite! Unfortunately, I already have plans that day. Have fun!

Publicado por californiarowan hace 8 meses

@ lgerstein78 name tags are a good idea. Please do bring some!

@californiarowan hopefully another time.

Publicado por dlevitis hace 8 meses

That sounds epic! Sadly I'll be studying for finals that weekend and won't be in Santa Rosa. Thanks for the invite though!

Publicado por olliefindsbugs hace 8 meses

I'm planning to be there!

Publicado por graysquirrel hace 8 meses

Sounds fun but I have a conflict that I haven't managed to resolve. If I do, I'll show up. Thanks!

Publicado por jenniferlchandler hace 8 meses

A reminder (for those that can make it) that this is tomorrow morning. I expect 15-20 people, so it should be a thorough bioblitz of our little lot.

Publicado por dlevitis hace 8 meses

I have been remiss in not following up here. We had a wonderful group of naturalists, and while we did more talking than iNatting, we still found a lot of wonderful life in my little yard. Here is what has been uploaded so far: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?nelat=38.4557749302915&nelng=-122.7142006697085&on=2023-12-10&place_id=any&subview=map&swlat=38.4530769697085&swlng=-122.7168986302915
I'm eager to see what @graysquirrel found, she took lots of samples for microscopy.
I hope to host another get-together in the spring. You are all invited.

Publicado por dlevitis hace 7 meses

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