weather predict wildlife

Just a quick thought.
Somehow using Inaturalist observations paired up with historic weather events might show a correlation to predicting hatches of certain insects or other animal activity. If someone knows an easy quick way to do that, let me know what you find since we just had one of the earliest heavy snow events on record this October.

Publicado el octubre 31, 2021 01:31 MAÑANA por ipomopsis ipomopsis


Did you see this project?

“It could also shed light on water quality and potential exposure to toxic compounds. In the longer term, it will improve the model that has been built and help scientists better understand how mountain ecosystems respond to fires.”
You can examine their data too. It could be useful. I also thought you would be interested. They are using citizen scientists.

Publicado por carolr hace más de 2 años

@carolr Thank you for sharing that. I shared it with my coworkers for potential collaborations.

Publicado por ipomopsis hace más de 2 años

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