Flora in Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal

20 July 2017
We worked with archives at the Jerwood Center in the morning, and hiked to three “poetry in place” sites in the afternoon— White Moss, John’s Wood, and The Wishing Gate. The panorama from the top of White Moss was exquisite and the weather was perfect. The walk in John’s Wood among the tall beeches and firs was peaceful. We slow walked the track that Wordsworth may have walked as he composed his poems. We stood at The Wishing Gate, which may have been the same gate that Dorothy stood at and wished for William’s and John’s safe returns. We continued with our work in the archives in the afternoon and walked back home down the Easedale and Old Mill road. The flowers along that path are wonderful.

Publicado el julio 27, 2017 06:12 MAÑANA por melindacreech melindacreech


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