Texas Pollinator BioBlitz


Publicado el marzo 20, 2020 09:06 TARDE por sherylsr sherylsr


Another great article! You are talented in many ways.

Publicado por connlindajo hace más de 4 años

Hey, thanks! I’m not quite sure how this works and wanted to try posting a past article. I’ve got another one coming out in Texas Parks & Wildlife in a few months, which I want to post here.

Publicado por sherylsr hace más de 4 años

Great! Looking forward to more writings by you.
Between you and me, I hope the TPWD magazine will one day take my suggestion and ask you to write an article on our friend, extraordinary iNat person, and fabulous TPWD employee Sam Kieschnick. His enthusiasm has touched so many people.

Publicado por connlindajo hace más de 4 años

I did query on him. Need to do that again. He’s a whirling wonder!

Publicado por sherylsr hace más de 4 años

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