Celebrating my 1000th observation and being thankful to iNaturalist!

This entry of a Telamonia spider feasting on its prey marks my 1000th observation! The past 6 months have been a whirlwind of learning and observing the natural world. I guess the interest was always there but this app and the community of amazing identifiers have provided me an easy way to learn, document and contribute to our knowledge base.

Thanks and I hope to grow even more in my learnings in the year ahead.

Publicado el diciembre 27, 2021 08:40 MAÑANA por surabhi_srivastava_gaur surabhi_srivastava_gaur



Well done on achieving 1,000 observations!

Publicado por dinofelis hace más de 2 años

Glad you are having fun!

Publicado por susanhewitt hace más de 2 años

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