September 20 - Celebrating National Tree Day with iNaturalist!

NTD is celebrated every September on the Wednesday of National Forest Week.

Celebrating NTD on iNaturalist:
Document Trees: Continue to document and share your tree observations on iNaturalist. Every observation, whether it's a towering oak or a delicate sapling, adds to our understanding of tree species and their distribution.

Tree Health: Keep an eye out for signs of tree diseases or stress. Your observations can help researchers and conservationists identify and respond to threats to our forests. A project that the City of Surrey participates in is the transboundary Western Redcedar Dieback Map

Educate and Advocate: Share your passion for trees with your friends and family. Raise awareness about the importance of trees and the need for their protection. Check how the City of Surrey is managing its urban forest at

To mark this National Tree Day, the Canadian Wildlife Federation is challenging all contributors to their Observation Nation project to spend some time outdoors on September 20th and try to spot as many different tree species as you can. By document them on iNaturalist you will be entered to win a CWF backpack. One winner will be chosen via random draw from everyone who submitted a tree observation.

"Trees are the silent giants that shape our environment, provide us with oxygen, and serve as vital habitats for countless species. On this special day, let's reflect on the importance of trees and our role in preserving them."
Further information:

Publicado el septiembre 20, 2023 02:53 TARDE por surrey-bc_biodiversity surrey-bc_biodiversity


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