Bald Eagle

This Bald Eagle I saw on a cloudy day on a rock on the Sound in the UBNA. He was eating a very large fish, possibly a carp, for at least 20 minutes. I could not find a way to get closer than what I was, when I tried I scared off a Great Blue Heron that I had not seen because I was so focused on the Eagle.

Publicado el junio 5, 2012 10:31 MAÑANA por wellska wellska


Fotos / Sonidos


Águila Cabeza Blanca (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)




Junio 3, 2012 a las 07:32 MAÑANA PDT


50 degrees F, cloudy. Sitting on a rock across the Sound from me. Looked to be enjoying a carp for breakfast for at least 20 minutes.


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