
Welcome to the BioBlitz-style iNaturalist project for our Costa Rica study abroad. iNaturalist will give us a way to record and share our observations of plants and animals with the rest of the group and with the iNaturalist community. The class requirement is to submit at least 44 observations. These will be a combination of different plants and animals from each of the locations we visit. Watch this journal for tips on how to use iNaturalist and other project updates. Happy naturalizing!

Publicado el julio 5, 2016 09:00 TARDE por andybridges andybridges


Best of luck -- looking forward to seeing some neat Costa Rica observations! :)

Publicado por sambiology hace alrededor de 8 años

Thanks sambiology--we'll do our best!

Publicado por andybridges hace alrededor de 8 años

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