It's (Been) a Wrap!

Thanks to all who participated, and a special tiara goes out to Richard George (@parsingphase) for the most observations (57). Overall, our numbers are very much down from last year's Beaver Moon Bioblitz, Cambridge, but we had some notable observations, such as a very tardy Red-winged Blackbird and, may we say it, an abundance of turkeys, in gangs as well as some solists.

Apologies for this late wrap-up for this bioblitz, which ended at midnight on a holiday—spread the word in time for next year.

Notably this year our efforts to marry art and environmental education include a sandwiching of our Cambridge City Nature Art Challenge (CCNAC) for children and youth who live in our city between two observation events, the Beaver Moon Bioblitz Cambridge and the April City Nature Challenge. We will shortly begin accepting entries for the third annual CCNAC, with many of the artworks based on observations of species in Cambridge made here on iNaturalist. Thanks for your support—please spread the word about the CCNAC within the city.

—Cambridge Wildlife Arts (a program of Green Cambridge)

Publicado el diciembre 1, 2021 03:28 MAÑANA por cambridgewildlife cambridgewildlife