Leatherjacket out of range

Sascha Schulz has documented another range extension.
This time it's a Honeycomb Leatherjacket, Cantherhines pardalis, photographed in Shell Cove, New South Wales (left photo). According to the Australian Faunal Directory, the species is only known as far south on the east coast to Sydney.
The Honeycomb Leatherjacket has been recorded from Western Australia, Queensland, New South Wales and a number of offshore islands and territories.
The species grows to about 20 cm in length and is sometimes seen in association with floating algae.
STOP PRESS! April 15, 2017. Andrew Green has seen the species even further south - this time at Jervis Bay, New South Wales.
Publicado el abril 13, 2017 01:58 MAÑANA por markmcg markmcg


There were three individuals that I saw, none of them together but each keeping very close to a particular territory.

Publicado por sascha_schulz hace más de 7 años

Thanks for that additional info @sascha_schulz .

Publicado por markmcg hace más de 7 años

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