City Nature Challenge Virtual Engagement Update

The Nature Conservancy Maryland/DC chapter has prepared some webinars to share information about City Nature Challenge, City Nature Month, and iNaturalist. The recordings are listed on on and

The recording of the April 9 webinar titled iNaturalist 101 – Exploring Biodiversity at Home can be found here.

The recording of the April 16 webinar titled Exploring Nature with Kids: Virtual Leaning with iNaturalist& Seek is available here. The slide deck is available here  (helpful
links are embedded in the slides). For teachers/instructors wanting even more pointers on how to use iNaturalist in the classroom, click here.

How to Take Quality Photos for iNaturalist, is on Thursday, Apr 23 at 7:30 p.m. EST. To register, please click here.

This presentation will be led by Katja Schulz, Program Coordinator at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, who is a nature photography wiz. She will share with you some basic tips and tricks that will not only elevate your own nature photography, but will also make your observations more likely to be identified by citizen scientists.

Publicado el abril 20, 2020 11:00 TARDE por jmgconsult jmgconsult


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