Great Southern Bioblitz starts tomorrow!

4 days of taking photos of everything you see, including Moth night and Sea Slug census (links below). 271 areas registered from 19 countries and 3 continents, thousands of people all over the Southern Hemisphere celebrating our unique biodiversity!

A checklist for a great, fun and safe Bioblitz!

  1. Charge your camera or phone
  2. Be ready with your camera in your hands, as some animals are quick (like birds)
  3. Explore your backyard and try to make at least five observations on the first day of bioblitz. It's our #5onFriday
  4. Take photos from different angles. See other post with tips for photographing insects
  5. Walk carefully, stick on the trails, minimize your impact on the environment
  6. Take photos of everything during your walk, even if it's common or rare
  7. Submit your photos up to two weeks after the GSB for them to be counted
  8. Make sure you're safe, stay away from venomous animals and plants and respect wildlife
  9. Follow recommendations related to COVID in your local area
  10. Join our Moth Night project as a member and make observations of moths on 23 October
  11. Join our Sea Slug Sunday project as a member and contribute to the Sea Slug Census on 24 October

Great Southern Bioblitz 22-25 October
Moth Night 23 October
Great Sea Slug Sunday 24 October

Publicado el octubre 21, 2021 02:53 MAÑANA por barv barv


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