SLA's AGM 4 Nov & presentation on Small Ground Dwelling Mammals and Reptiles of Shoalhaven

Shoalhaven Landcare Association’s AGM
Thursday 4 November 2021 4-8pm
Jervis Bay Maritime Museum in Huskisson

Prior to formal AGM is a presentation by Beth Mott, Threatened Species Officer at DPIE, “Small Ground Dwelling Mammals and Reptiles of the Shoalhaven and tips for fauna boosting strategies for our properties”. Then a short AGM followed by refreshments and nibbles to celebrate a year of progress by SLA.

RSVP to Sonya at or 0410961449
Please indicate on your RSVP if you are double vaccinated, proof of vaccination is a condition of entry as required by the latest COVID rules.

Publicado el octubre 24, 2021 01:08 MAÑANA por barv barv


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