Diario del proyecto City Nature Challenge 2022: Lexington, MA

03 de mayo de 2022

That's a wrap for 2022

Excellent work to make 819 observations comprising 306 species by 48 different participants. Top 10 contributers were rosymaplemoths4, carolyn333, amber1002, bbylover, harrcohen, trailace, kar_nh, amdohan, lfpacu, and me bkatzenberg, Although new observations won't count towards the project numbers, activity will continue as people with specific specialties from around the country and the world (such as bugs, fungus) will review contributions and make identifications when they can. Hope everyone had a great time!

Publicado el mayo 3, 2022 11:43 MAÑANA por bkatzenberg bkatzenberg | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

02 de mayo de 2022

May 2 2022 CNC Stats

As of Monday AM we're at 628 observations, 256 species, with 46 people participating! Yesterday was a beautiful clear day, perfect for looking at the wild world around us. Plants still by far the most common category but birds and insects are also doing well. Today will be cooler and possible showers and many people need to go to school or work--but a few of us will try to see if we can find one or two more new species.

Publicado el mayo 2, 2022 10:25 MAÑANA por bkatzenberg bkatzenberg | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

01 de mayo de 2022

As of Sunday AM....

Were at 463 observations, 211 species, and 33 participants making observations. Here are the categories represented:
Ray-Finned F...
Other Anima

Publicado el mayo 1, 2022 01:48 TARDE por bkatzenberg bkatzenberg | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

30 de abril de 2022

Day 1--309 observations , 136 species, 20 observers

Day 1--309 observations , 136 species, 20 observers--not bad! The first day was a weekday, and I believe this nice turnout bodes well for the rest of the event. Although the lion's share were from the plant kingdom, people also saw birds, fungi, a garter snake, and signs of beaver. For insect lovers, there is a patch of lowbush blueberries in bloom near the top of Juniper Hill that are getting visited by a riot of pollinators including a brilliantly blue moth I could only identify as from the genus of Holartic Azures. We expect a mostly sunny day with a lot less wind today so I expect a good haul of new observations and species. A highlight for me yesterday was one of our small group in Whipple Hill spotted a very large group of marsh marigolds in bloom.

Publicado el abril 30, 2022 10:41 MAÑANA por bkatzenberg bkatzenberg | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

24 de abril de 2022

Gearing up for making lots of observations!

Can't wait to get going on the City Nature Challenge in Lexington next weekend. I gave some one-on-one training to one interested person in Willard's Woods today. Among the plants we saw were a lot of lovely natives: Canadian mayflower, high and low bush blueberries, partridge berry, striped winterberry, Pennsylvania sedge, club mosses, and laurels. Also a gorgeous marsh marigold in bloom.

Publicado el abril 24, 2022 06:42 TARDE por bkatzenberg bkatzenberg | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
