Thanks & Results

The placings are now posted: see them here:

Thank you to everyone who took part: the observers, the identifiers, the coordinators, and the organizers. Those who went to exciting places, and those who stayed at home. Those who organized bioblitzes, outings, events, diving, climbing, walking, and crawling. Those who helped with IDs, and the support teams who kept the chips, dips, and beer coming. We hope that you enjoyed the event.

Any thoughts or ideas? Please post them in the comments below. How to improve the event. Should we skip it every second year? Should we show the world what we can do? What we dipped out on. Your highlights - please feel free to tell us about them.

And please don't forget that each city should be looking to its best observations, greatest pictures, core observers, and other contributors.

Take the time to have a look at the faves for each city, and vote for the best observations of 2023 CNC.
To vote, just click on the observation to open it, and under the map on the right, click on "Faves" VOTE NOW

Publicado el mayo 8, 2023 05:24 TARDE por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


Favourites of the entire southern African region:
s African Faves

Please vote for your favourites -

just click on the observation to open it, and under the map on the right, click on "Faves"
• you can vote for any observation (in any city)
• you may cast as many votes as you like.
• you may vote for your own observations if you think that they are outstanding.
• faves can be for beauty/ugliness, perfect specimens, outstanding composition, rarity, scientific value, unusual features, difficulty in recording, or any other reason that justifies a vote.

Publicado por tonyrebelo hace alrededor de 1 año

Last chances to vote.

Publicado por tonyrebelo hace alrededor de 1 año

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