Citizen Scientist Shout-outs!

We are so thrilled to see the rising number of observations being made to the EAC Eelgrass Mapping Project on iNaturalist!

Our dedicated team of volunteer paddlers have been such a huge help to our project, contributing over 75% of the 600+ total eelgrass observations!

Special shout-outs for this summer’s paddlers – Miriam, Ralph, Aryn, Jennifer, Susan, and Peter – who’ve helped us double our total number of eelgrass observations! Way to go folks!!!

If you spend your free time paddling throughout Nova Scotia and are interested in joining our volunteer eelgrass paddler team, send an email to for more info!

Publicado el agosto 30, 2022 09:17 TARDE por eaceelgrassteam eaceelgrassteam


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