May Wrap-Up

In May, the I Spy and Identify Invasives project made 23,786 observations of 3,237 species! 320 different people observed and reported native and invasive species across Canada and our network grew by 73 new individuals (and counting) – welcome to you all!
May’s reports included 3,695 observations of 533 different introduced and invasive species! The month’s totals included these concerning invasive species sightings:

  • 34 observations of Spotted knapweed (Centaurea stoebe) uploaded by our eagle-eyed members in British Columbia and Ontario (with special thanks to @megan_blackmore and @lakeal). Spotted knapweed is a prolific seed producer and spreads over large areas in part by releasing a chemical that kills surrounding plants. This invasive species chokes out desirable forage for livestock and wildlife and increases soil erosion.
  • 12 observations of Yellow flag iris (Iris pseudacorus) in BC and Ontario (great work @stevenhayward and @naturewithneill). Yellow flag iris have extensive root systems which create thick mats that damage wildlife habitat, reduce water flow, and crowd out native vegetation. Look for this invader in ditches, wetlands, streams, lake shorelines, and shallow ponds.
  • An observation of a Tench (Tinca tinca) by @mathieu-chpgn in Quebec. Introduced from Europe and West Asia, Tench are omnivorous and outcompete many native aquatic species. Tench decrease water clarity through their feeding activity and reduce the amount of sunlight that reaches aquatic plants, slowing or preventing their growth.

A number of species at risk were also reported throughout May:

  • iNaturalist user @seandaniels observed 3 Coastal giant salamanders (Dicamptodon tenebrosus) in British Columbia! This threatened species is the only salamander capable of vocalizations - adults will emit bark-like cries when disturbed.
  • An endangered Striped whitelip (Webbhelix multilineata) was reported in Ontario by @vincauc. This large land snail is part of the unique fauna of the Carolinian Forest in Eastern Canada and plays a significant role in ecosystem function by supporting nutrient cycling.
  • A Banded killifish (Fundulus diaphanus) was observed by @mkkennedy in Nova Scotia. Banded killifish are a species of special concern in Canada and are vulnerable to water quality disturbances from forestry.

Thank you for your iNaturalist observations and reports! Let’s all keep an eye out and report invasive insects such as Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica), Spongy moth (Lymantria dispar dispa) and Spotted lantern fly (Lycorma delicatula) in June! These invasive insects can have detrimental impacts on Canada's agricultural industry and native vegetation!

Publicado el junio 20, 2022 06:05 TARDE por invasive_species_council_of_bc invasive_species_council_of_bc


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