NO.1A. - The 'Queenstown Gardens' Park Sign - by majo00


Murray (Project Manager) asked me if I would like to help with this project on the Queenstown Gardens, and I gladly accepted. He suggested I separate this 'sign information' from the background information on the Queenstown Gardens (South Island, New Zealand), that you will be reading in NO.1B. It would be easier to read, and would make it separate from 'my writings on the Gardens.'


Firstly, hopefully, the Queenstown Lakes District Council won't mind me putting this in the Journal. It is one of 3 signs in the Park which explains about the Gardens and how it came 'into being.'


The Queenstown Gardens has been a much loved place of recreation and relaxation for the local and visitor alike since the first trees were planted in 1876.

Originally a patch of treeless scrubland, this 12 hectare peninsula was designated Crown Land in 1866 and placed under the control of Queenstown Borough Council.

The first trees planted were 2 English Oaks (Querus robur). One of them still stands at the Park Street entrance.

The Queenstown Gardens of today would be barely recognizable to the environmentally conscious settlers who founded the Gardens but the natural beauty, unique trees, sporting amenities and history of the park remains a proud legacy.

Queenstown Lakes District Council
Bye for now
Mary Joyce

Publicado el junio 17, 2015 03:14 MAÑANA por majo00 majo00


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