August 21st LLELA iNaturalist Challenge

Ok folks. We're just two species away from hitting 600. I encourage all the LLELA and North Texas iNaturalists to enter two new species observations at LLELA this coming weekend.

It's been a great summer with all the water. Lots of first observations for LLELA. Most notably a Pale-faced club skimmer dragonfly by a newcomer to our group, Roberto Calderon aka 'augalita'. According to Odonata Central there has been only one documented observation/specimen of Pale-faced Club Skimmer in Denton County and that was way back in 1975.

As the end of summer approaches we are scheduling a resumption of our iNaturalist workshops, weekend Photo Safaris and monthly 'get-together' socials. Watch your mail as we start in September.

There's rumor we may even have an iNaturalist group campout. Hope the floods recede!

Get out there and make it a great weekend and GET ME TWO NEW SPECIES!

Publicado el agosto 21, 2015 09:02 TARDE por mchlfx mchlfx


Looks like you're already at 602! :-D

Publicado por carrieseltzer hace alrededor de 9 años

Way to go iNatr's! 603!

Publicado por mchlfx hace alrededor de 9 años

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