Mangifera Indica

Common adaptation of all observed species: All of them grow taller than surface vegetation, which help them absorb energy from the sun.

Adaptation: Hypotrophic lenticles. Production of lenticles, during flooding periods, on the tree's trunk. These lenticles help eliminating toxins produced by the plant when it is depending of its anaerobic metabolism to perform some of its activities.

(n.d.). Retrieved September 25, 2020, from

Phylogenetic tree:

Finding it my names-

Eucariontes>Bikonta>Pteridospermatophyta>Chloroplastida>Embryophyta>Spermatophyta>Angiosperma>Eudicotyledons>Pentapetalae>Malvids>Sapindales>Anacardiaceae>Mangifera>Mangifera Indica

Finding it by pictures in OneZoom-

Publicado el septiembre 25, 2020 04:55 MAÑANA por fernandoferrobragalaurindocorreia fernandoferrobragalaurindocorreia


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