Signing up in iNaturalist

To use iNaturalist, you will need to register for an account through your smartphone, tablet, or web browser.

Create an account using a smartphone or tablet

Download the iNaturalist app from the iTunes app store or Google play store

The first time you open the app, you can see a quick tutorial

At the end of the tutorial, you can choose to sign in (if you already have an account), or you need to select "Sign up now!"

Provide email, username, and password and click "Sign up"

Share with us your username. We will add your name to the "Mass Audubon's Winter NNO" iNaturalist project.

Create an account using a web browser

Use a web browser to navigate to
Click on the "Sign up" link in the very top right of the web page or the link in the center brightly colored rectangle

Provide email, username, password, confirm that you are not a robot, give the proper permission (the first one is required), and click "Create an Account"

Share with us your username. We will add your name to the "Mass Audubon's WInter NNO" iNaturalist project.

Publicado el enero 9, 2021 08:16 TARDE por fsut fsut


This app used to work for me. Now it doesn’t . What changed? It says I’m not logged in. Tried logging in. Doesn’t know me, won’t send new password email. Frustrating

Publicado por jill157 hace casi 2 años


Publicado por michael2057 hace 10 meses

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