Wild Turkey's on Display

Some days you wish that everyone had the same appreciation for wildlife that you have. On the way to our local high school this morning to drop my son off, we saw a flock of 10 wild turkeys. The three males were in full display and facing off for the attentions of the females in the group.

I so wanted to stop and take photos, but just couldn't do it, stopping in the road (the only choice) with 100 car's coming in behind me was just not doable < sigh >. So I continued on, after a slow drive past.

On my way home (with just as many car's behind me) I was planning on how and where to park so could brave crossing the road for pictures, only to find that the turkeys had moved on into the forest and no longer visible.

Although the photo opportunity was lost, the chance to see these wonderful birds in full display was a sight not to be missed.

Publicado el marzo 29, 2012 12:48 TARDE por fulinn fulinn


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