Article on coccothera (Tortricidae: Grapholitini) in southern Africa

Abstract: A new species from Africa is described in the genus Coccothera Meyrick, 1914 (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Grapholitini). Coccothera albolineana spec. nov. Laspeyresia nicomacha Meyrick, 1921 is transferred to Coccothera Meyrick, 1914 comb. nov. The unknown male is described and a full description of the hitherto only partly known female genitalia is presented. Coccothera ferrifracta Diakonoff, 1968 is a synonym of Coccothera spissana (Zeller,1852) syn. nov. The genus Coccothera Meyrick, 1914 now
contains eight species. Faunistic and distributional information of Coccothera spissana (Zeller, 1852), C. nicomacha (Meyrick, 1921) and C. albolineana spec. nov. is

also presented.

Here are the southern African observations that may be coccothera.

Quite abundant at uv Gaborone and Serowe.

Publicado el julio 18, 2023 07:34 MAÑANA por botswanabugs botswanabugs


From the above article on coccothera spissana
'Biology: The species is bred from swollen thorns (domatia)
on different acacia trees (Agassiz & Aarvik, 2014; Aarvik,
2019), rather big galls on Tamarix (Kollar, 1858 &
Frauenfeld, 1859), galls induced by the host-specific rust
fungus Ravenelia macowaniana Pazschke on Acacia karoo
Hayne (McGeogh, 1993 & McGeogh & Krüger, 1994) '

Perhaps some iNaturalists could look inside rust-induced galls on vachellia and senegalia trees !

Publicado por botswanabugs hace 11 meses

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