

Final Numbers, and Some Thoughts and Questions

You all did a FANTASTIC job with this marathon! At just past 7 PM on Sunday night the 27th, the total number of New England plant observations needing IDs stands at 577,458, a decrease of 12,477 from 48 hours ago. The number of species-level observations is currently 260,883, down 10,961 from Friday night. Simply astonishing! MUCH more than the usual effort on a February weekend (remember, last weekend the total number only decreased by 916 and the species-level number by 557).


I was also able to figure out that at least 518 verifiable New England plant observations were added to iNaturalist on Saturday and Sunday (plus some unknown number added Friday evening). So I think we can safely add 518 to the total number IDed above.

Thank you, everyone! I really enjoyed seeing so many notifications rolling in while I was working, and I bet you felt productive, too! I felt productive, but I also realized, not for the ...más ↓

Publicado el febrero 28, 2022 12:04 MAÑANA por lynnharper lynnharper | 8 comentarios | Deja un comentario
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Welcome to the 2022 ID-a-thon for New England plants! This is a 48-hour period in which we try to add identifications to as many “Needs ID” plant observations in New England as we possibly can. The project will run from 7 PM Friday, Feb. 25, 2022, to 7 PM Sunday, Feb. 27, 2022. You don’t have to be an expert botanist to participate (hint: I am definitely NOT an expert botanist!).

A ...más ↓

lynnharper creó este proyecto el 30 de enero de 2022
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