Half a year done.

We have now voted for the Observation of the month for the first six years of 2023.
Please remember to continue FAVING any outstanding observations and to nominate the best for observation of the month.

Next week we select for for the next. Remember to vote every month if you are interested.

See the first six months year (sorry: here)

Publicado el septiembre 4, 2023 07:09 TARDE por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


Dont forget to vote for July

Just add your faves!!

Deadline 9 Sept. Done

Praezygaena ochroptera at Creighton, 3263, South Africa by @shai_1

Publicado por tonyrebelo hace alrededor de 1 año

And start thinking about August:

Deadline 7 Oct. Done

Bulbine diphylla Twoleaf Kopieva at
West Coast District Municipality, South Africa by @wilnasteenkamp

Publicado por tonyrebelo hace alrededor de 1 año
Publicado por tonyrebelo hace 12 meses

And please start nominating for October:


Deadline 9 Dec.
New Deadline 15 January - Done

Wolfgangiella franznegeri at George Municipality, South Africa by @cgmayers

Publicado por tonyrebelo hace 12 meses

Hi Tony, how do you nominate?

Publicado por cornerautenbach hace 8 meses

Instructions on the project. In a nutshell:

.1. Join https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/nominations-observation-of-the-month-s-afr (a once off)
.2. On any candidate observation, add (optional) the project and fill in the fields.

.3. Remember to also FAVE the observation to add your vote to it.
And to fave any others that have been nominated that you wish to vote for (there is no restriction on number of votes - you can of course only vote once per observation).

Remember to do these by the deadlines, which are roughly one month after the end of the month, but can be several months later (depending on workload). The winner is the observation meeting the criteria towards the end of the specified deadline (see project for details).

Publicado por tonyrebelo hace 8 meses

Thanks Tony

Publicado por cornerautenbach hace 8 meses

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