Contribute your data to the Odolympics!

Some of us at the Dragonfly Society of the Americas and Sociedad de Odonatología Latinoamericana are real data geeks, and OdonataCentral provides some really useful tools for mapping the distribution of dragonflies and damselflies.

Here is a heat map of all sightings in June (this map was created in seconds, BTW).

And here is a similar map created in iNaturalist.

These maps show two things: For one, we need more submissions from Central and South America! And secondly, it shows there are still many unexplored places, even in heavily sampled regions like the US.

What are you going to discover during this year’s Odolympics on June 19-27?

Publicado el junio 18, 2021 03:33 TARDE por colindjones colindjones


Hi; is there a specific project to join for this, or will our observations be captured so long as we're within the geographical scope of the project?

Publicado por blackriverbrat hace casi 3 años

@blackriverbrat Yes, and I just checked and you've already joined the project so, just load your records to iNat the way you normally do and any Odonata records you add within the geographic scope and timing window (June 19-27, 2021) will be automatically grabbed by the project. Have fun and thanks for participating!

Publicado por colindjones hace casi 3 años

@colindjones , thank you very much, I'm happy to participate (probably starting tomorrow, I didn't make it out today).

Publicado por blackriverbrat hace casi 3 años

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