Update - Mid September

Daily submissions have been pretty steadily declining. Cooler days and nights contribute to reduced Odonata numbers and diversity. But there are still things to be seen - so maybe also a bit of observer fatigue! I would remind everyone to look while you can - we won't have much to see in January.

We have a number of new County Records for Great Spreadwing - especially west-central Ohio. I'm not sure if we're having an influx or we're just looking. But 2023 will mark new Great Spreadwing occurences for Logan, Van Wert, Allen, and Miami Counties. If they're getting blown in, then we could maybe have more new records - maybe have a look. Here's the map.

Updated 11 Nov 2023

Publicado el septiembre 15, 2023 08:52 TARDE por jimlem jimlem


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