More statistics

@justinponder2505 @jeremygilmore @ren_hoekstra @markheystek

Jun -Dec last year: 608 observations, 101 species
Mar -8 Dec this year: 627 observations, 112 species

Last month:
Justin -147 obs, 62 sp
Ludwig -230 obs, 64 sp
Ren -81 obs, 41 sp

This month:
Justin -226 obs, 90 sp
Ludwig -262 obs, 71 sp
Ren -119 obs, 56 sp

Acrolophia lunata -Ren, Justin, Ludwig
Satyrium muticum -Justin
Disa procera -Justin, Ludwig
Disa hallackii -Justin, Ludwig

Find of the year (thus far):
A difficult choice. Ren has some great ones, incl. Satyrium rupestre, Disa vasselotii, Satyrium pallens, Disa schizodioides, Disa spathulata subsp. tripartita, Angraecum conchiferum and Disa glandulosa. Justin discovered Disa uncinata at the CO site and saw Acrolophia ustulata. I found several new sites for Liparis capensis as well as Brownleea recurvata. I think we should have a vote on this "Find of the Year" section, but I think we can safely give Ren the prize.

Publicado el diciembre 8, 2022 11:20 MAÑANA por ludwig_muller ludwig_muller


Update: Disa uncinata in the Outeniquas is an incredible find.

Publicado por ludwig_muller hace más de 1 año

Sorry, not uncinata- ocellata

Publicado por ludwig_muller hace más de 1 año

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