

Autumn/winter update

As we are rolling out this project to all of the UK, we have collected a total of 234 observations of 24 different fish species. Thank you all so much for your contributions so far. Your support is invaluable in making this project a success.

If you want to read more about what we plan to do with the images, please check out our website

The current top species in our project is the Brown Trout. However, with the salmon and trout fishing seasons having come to an end for the year, could our runner-up - the Grayling - take over the top spot? The @oaa are actually the top observers of European Grayling in the UK, here on iNaturalist.

We encourage everyone to continue participating and sharing their observations. If you are new here - Join us today and become a citizen scientist for ...más ↓

Publicado el noviembre 28, 2023 02:21 TARDE por agnetheso agnetheso | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
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This project aims to map the distribution and health of fish in the UK. We are a team of researchers based at Cardiff University co-developing the project with local anglers. We analyse the submitted fish photographs to evaluate location of fish and their health status. The final aim is to create a Computer Vision (Artificial Intelligence) system that can detect and classify any fish disease ...más ↓

agnetheso creó este proyecto el 27 de abril de 2021
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