Journal Entry by Ziwei Hu

One unique adaptation in Cupha erymanthis which is the butterfly that I observed is the camouflage of their wings. The colour of their wings protects them from predators that feed on them such as birds and mammals. Their wings have similar colour or pattern as surrounding environment, which make their predator hard to search them.
Among my observation, one common adaptation is that both plants and animals that I observed are able to survive in terrestrial environment. Land plants were the first organism which it could be alive with their tissues exposed to the air, which enabled them live on land.
The phylogeny placement of Cupha erymanthis : Cupha ermanthis<Cupha<Nymphalidae<Papilionoidea<Lepidoptera<Insecta<Arthropoda<Animalia

Publicado el septiembre 22, 2020 09:41 MAÑANA por ziweihu ziweihu


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